"Booking Flows Settings"
booking Flow
This section focuses on the creation of a direct booking page for customer purchases.
To begin, click the blue "+" button at the bottom right.
There are three main options available here. Let’s start with the Booking (For Single Plan) setup:
Booking (For Single Plan)
I suggest keeping a consistent naming convention, similar to the plan names, by adding a short form at the end. In this case, you can use "BF" for Booking Flow.
Default Language:
This is the default display language for the booking page.
The custom phrase at the end of the booking URL (in lowercase).
The default transaction currency for the booking page.
Select Plan:
Choose the plan associated with this booking flow.
4 Booking UI Components:
Date Picker, Timeslot Picker, Event Picker,Text:
These four options are determined by the settings in your plan:
Use Event Picker for event-based bookings.
Use Date Picker for space or service plans where durations are by day, night, or month.
Use Timeslot Picker for plans where durations are by hour.
Use Text: Use this option for static text on the booking page.
Date Picker (For space or service plan duration by day, night, or month):
Select the relevant plan for this booking flow.
Min Advance Booking Days:
E.g., 0 = Accept same-day bookings.
Max Advance Booking Days:
E.g., 365 = Accept bookings up to a year in advance.
Min Continuous Book Days:
E.g., 3 = Minimum booking duration is 3 days.
Max Continuous Book Days:
E.g., 30 = Maximum booking duration is 30 days.
Counter Unit:
The unit affects how booking durations are calculated in the calendar.
Days: 3 days in the calendar = 3 days.
Nights: 3 days in the calendar = 2 nights.
Index (For Multiple Plans)
As with other setups, add a short form at the end, such as "INDEX BF" to differentiate it.
Search Config:
Add a configuration for either Date Search or Time Search based on your needs.
Date Search:
Default Search Start Date:
E.g., 0 = today, 1 = tomorrow, 7 = one week from today.
Default Search End Date:
E.g., 0 = today, 1 = tomorrow, 7 = one week from today.
Max Search Days Ahead:
E.g., 365 = can search up to a year in advance.
Time Search:
Configure similar to the Date Search, with options for start date, end date, and maximum search days ahead.
During node creation, a direct payment link is generated automatically. This section only needs adjustment if the link was deleted or needs to be re-created.
Accept Coupon:
Enable this option if you plan to allow customers to enter coupon codes during the checkout process.
Payment Button Title:
Customize the text for the payment button (e.g., "PAY," "Book Now," or "Make a Reservation").
Payment Methods:
Pay on Site:
Allows cash payment upon arrival, every order create success without checking payment.
Credit Card:
Processes payments directly through credit card.
Credit Card Integration:
Select the integration you’ve set up previously (e.g., Stripe, Square).
Note: Be careful when using coupons. If a discount reduces the total equal to 0, everything is ok, but If a discount reduces more than 0 and below the minimum transaction amount required by Stripe or Square (usually around USD $0.99), the payment might not go through and cannot create this order.
This section configures the success and failure messages that appear after payment. You can also create a new payment intent to send a payment link if a customer needs to pay again. The customer will see the success or failure message set here.
Header Logo Size:
Set the size of the logo displayed at the top of the booking page.
Font Style:
Choose the font for the text on the booking page.
Background Color:
Set the background color for the page.
Accent Color:
Choose the color of the text and accents.